
TimestampHow did the course meet your learning objectives?How was the duration of the course?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow helpful were the lecture materials?Comments and suggestionsWill you recommend these materials to others?Comments and suggestionsIf you have Linux project opportunities, will you use these materials again in the future?Comments and suggestionsHow knowledgeable was the instructor?Comments and suggestionsDid instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials?CommentsHow well did the instructor answer questions from the audience?Suggestions and commentsWas the instructor helpful with practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)?Comments and suggestionsHow well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)?Comments and suggestionsHow much did you learn?Comments and suggestionsHow useful should this course be in your daily job?Comments and suggestionsWould you recommend this course to others?Comments and suggestionsOverall ratingComments and suggestionsAn extra session?CommentsHow did the course meet your learning objectives?What part(s) of the course did you like most?CommentsWhat part(s) of the course did you like least?What prompted you to choose Free Electrons?How did you first learn about Free Electrons?Interested in other types of embedded Linux engineering services?Comments and expectationsComments and suggestionsHow do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)?How useful were the training labs?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow difficult were the training labs?Was enough time dedicated to practical labs?Comments and suggestions


6/14/2012 11:55:293I think 5 days would be best with another day with a giant lab to summarize all we have learnt during training.First real training about Android system that focuses on the real important points like build system, kernel, bootloader, JNI and other stuff.5Lecture materials are fully adapted to the labs so we can find most of the answers in the lecture materials.5Definitely, I think I will recommend this training to my company for other people that may work on Android Platform.55555554Even if I work with Android platform since 8 months, this course was the best to see what I have learnt and what I am still missing.557Thanks FreeElectrons and Maxime Ripard for the great quality of this training with:
- information
- price, availability, room, equipment
- technical content

A training that should become a reference in this area.
5Driver porting for Android.
A whole topic about connectivity also
Power Management ...
5Labs about JNI, integration of libraries, native application and framework extensionFirst part about history and repo because that was the part I knew the mostTrainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, CostTechnical resources on the Free Electrons websiteDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware, Boot time reduction, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Build environment deployment and support, Investigating and fixing bugs5532That's the reason I think an extra day could be great with a big lab.


6/14/2012 12:03:29344545455552464ICS port on chinese tablets4labs
build system
history partGeographical proximity (public sessions only)Internet search enginesReal-time: implementation and bug fixing, Root filesystem design and development5533


6/14/2012 12:03:42345455555441562write application using new hardware4Geographical proximity (public sessions only), TrainerThomas Petazzoni blogDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Root filesystem design and development5442


6/14/2012 12:52:013It is so good that I will be really interested to pass another training week55Already recommended55555Very good break time in this hotel5555575Just because this is very interesting5The section where we were able to add modules and also the section to configure the systemTrainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Access to full feedback from participants to previous sessions, CostCourse recommended by previous participantsDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware, Boot time reduction, Power management, Build environment deployment and support, Root filesystem design and development, Investigating and fixing bugs, On-site development, support and consulting services55I am a starter so it is normal that I had some difficulties but I am happy to have been able to follow the labs succesfully43Perfect time


6/14/2012 12:56:263one extra day maybe?45455554554565debugging; debugging tools (lauterbach) 5Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Technical resources on the Free Electrons websiteinterested in cooperating in projects?4433


6/14/2012 16:59:482As I didn't finish labs, I'd appreciate more time learn more about what I did.It would be useful to get deeper into permissions and sources hierarchy.5I appreciated slides on paper. It allows to take some notes. Also, it's possible to redo labs at home, that is cool !4The board seems weak even if it very sufficient to make labs.55The instructor went further about some point, deeper than the course subject.555I liked food pauses and all other stuff.455I did learn a lot even if I still want more.4I chose this course for my own purpose but I hope it will permit me to get another job later.565I want to get deeper into Android sources, to have more details on sources hierarchy or more explanation of some Android/Linux behaviors.5Again, food pauses ! All parts are good. Theory was well explained and labs very interesting.The end of the course was not so good because it's was the end.Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Language, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Internet search enginesNot interestedI appreciated help and further information during labs.54Again, It would be better to have more time for labs to let us understand what we are exactly doing.44